Being in a healthy long-term relationship is wonderful. It means you always have someone there for you — to be your best friend, your shoulder to cry on and permanent dinner date.
Best of all? You always have someone to have sex with!
The one drawback to sleeping with the same person over and over and over again is that it’s easy to get stuck in a boring bedroom routine. But fortunately, there are tons of kinky new ideas for couples to try in bed without going too far outside of your comfort zone.
One of the best ways to have the best sex ever is by experimenting with some hot, sexy roleplay ideas.
After all, if you’re both open and willing to explore some fun ways to spice things up — from switching up positions to finding creative places to get busy — sex never has to get boring.
Playing some sexy games by taking on a new identity in the bedroom might sound a little daunting at first, but it’s fun, I promise!
Here are the 30 best roleplay ideas and scenarios for couples to try in bed that are sure to spice things right up.
1. The repairman and the homeowner
You’ve got a leak to fix and your partner’s the only one who’s got the right wrench.
(OK, OK, I can hear the eye rolls — but this one is surprisingly fun and simple for beginners!)
2. The professor and student
For anybody who had a little teacher fetish in their early twenties, this role playing situation is more fun than cliche.
3. The stripper and customer
Pick your favorite sexy song, slide on some lacy lingerie, then sway your hips and let yourself give the perfect lap dance.
4. The porn stars
Pick a porn you both like and reenact it together.
5. The on-camera porn stars
Kick the previous idea up a notch and actually film yourselves having sex.
Not only will it turn you both on, it will ensure you two will be at the top of your game.
6. The cheerleader & the football player
If you’re already trying out the porn star thing, you might as well try a role playing situation familiar to it!
7. Strangers at a bar
Arrive separately to the same bar, flirt a little bit with other people, then eventually go and talk to one another like you’re strangers.
This will get the feelings flowing as you start to remember exactly what drew you to each other in the first place.
8. Dominant/submissive
Do a bit of playful spanking and some light hair-pulling to determine if you want to go further.
9. Then switch!
One of the best things about having sex with somebody you love is that you two can explore your options together.
Of course, if one isn’t comfortable with a specific role, then certainly don’t push yourselves into it, but if you are feeling flexible, changing it up could be fun.
10. Role-Reversall
Is your partner usually on top? Then this time, you take over the upper role and dictate the conversation your bodies are having.
11. The stars of your favorite movie
Regardless of what it is, if you two have a sex scene or film you find particularly entrancing, act it out with one another and see how it feels.
12. The crooner and the fan
If one of you is particularly good at singing, you could try doing a little private performance featuring a seductive song.
For example, nobody could resist the charms of Portishead’s “Glory Box” no matter how hard they try.
13. The fireman
It is a well-known fact that everyone who has ever worked for every fire department ever has been unreasonably hot.
14. The client and the call girl (or gigolo)
Let your partner list exactly what they wants as you act like like you’re there to cater to their every need.
15. The control freak
Have one of you lie down and the other do whatever they wants — kissing, licking, even light tickling — until the person lying on the bed is begging for more.